Yesterday, Hubby on his way to drive me home after work, his car suddenly vibrate and the check light came out! SHIT!!! His car break down, lucky he still can drag his car all the way to NUS carpark and park nicely there..... We called the towing but they only can come on nx morning, so i called Security of NUS as i saw from carpark charges, cannot park overnight....
All the car things, we also need to move back home as we gtg to scrape our car. We take a taxi and move all the things to the taxi, now den i knows some many things inside our car, mostly is Jovian shoes and toys! After that, we still need to call my MIL to tell her to look after Jovian for 1 night as no time to go to TG to bring her home, luckily MIL wants to look after Jovian for us.
This is 2nd time, Jovian was not w us, miss her so much! She not at home, our house was so quite....

This photo was taking in the morning, i will miss our Matrix, its accompany us for almost 6years, its really a good transportation for us to tour around Singapore..... Too bad it cnt accompany us anymore, so many car types, i still love this car the most!