My poor Jovian fall dwn on 10/06/08 (Tue).
When i knock off from work and went to MIL house, WAH i saw Jovian got 1 big bao on her forehead and 1 blueblack on her face, i feel so hurt.....
My MIL dun dare to tell me, i ask her then she told me, Jovian trying to crawl and her leg cross together and fall dwn and knock her head.
I can't scold her or say her...... i know children at Jovian age tend to learn how to crawl and walk, surely will fall dwn..... but all of you see her face, she hurt so badly....... like gonna beating by someone....
On weekend when i look after Jovian, sometimes she will knock on something and got abit of blueblack on her face, MIL saw Jovian on mon, she will purposely said we don't know how to look after her, she surely won't let Jovian fall dwn. She behave like very experience and a good nanny but look at Jovian now..... haiz.....
Somemore Jovian dun like her cooking, she dun wants to eat the porridge. I had tried before, really no taste and not nice, MIL she dun dare to eat herself and expect a baby to eat.....
On weekend when my mum cook for Jovian, she will finish all, cause my mum will put alot of ingredient to make the taste better.... haiz too bad my mum can't look after Jovian for me...
Now i complaining my MIL again..... not choice.... can't said infront of her so need to write inside my blog.......